Attention Norms in Siegel's Rationality of Perception
Zachary C. Irving (forthcoming) “Attention Norms in Siegel’s Rationality of Perception” Critical Notice for Ratio

Psychology Off Tasks
Zachary C. Irving (2018) “Psychology Off Tasks: Self-Report in the Sciences of Dreaming and Mind-Wandering” Journal of Consciousness Studies

Is an Off-Task Mind A Freely Moving Mind?
Caitlin Mills, Quentin Raffaelli, Zachary C. Irving, Dylan Stan, and Kalina Christoff (2018) "Is an off-task mind a freely moving mind? Examining the relationship between different dimensions of thought" Consciousness and Cognition

The Philosophy of Mind-Wandering
Irving and Thompson (2018) "The Philosophy of Mind-Wandering" Oxford Handbook on Spontaneous Thought And Creativity.

The Neuroscience of Spontaneous Thought
Andrews-Hanna, Irving, Fox, Spreng, and Christoff (forthcoming) "The Neuroscience of Spontaneous Thought: An Evolving, Interdisciplinary, Field" Oxford Handbook on Spontaneous Thought And Creativity.

Interactions Between the Default Network and Dorsal Attention Network
Matthew L Dixon, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna, R. Nathan Spreng, Zachary C. Irving, Caitlin Mills, Manesh Girna, and Kalina Christoff (2017) “Interactions between the default network and dorsal attention network vary across default subsystems, time, and cognitive states” Neuroimage

Mind-Wandering as Spontaneous Thought
Christoff, Irving, Fox, Spreng, and Andrews-Hanna (2016) "Mind-Wandering as Spontaneous Thought: A Dynamic Framework" Nature Review Neuroscience. Selected Media: Wall Street Journal / Huffington Post / Daily Californian / Berkeley News / Science Daily / UBC News / Hacker News

Mind-Wandering is Unguided Attention
Irving (2016) "Mind-Wandering is Unguided Attention: Accounting for the Purposeful Wanderer" Philosophical Studies.

Arsenault and Irving (2012) "Aha! Trick Questions, Independence, and the Epistemology of Disagreement" Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.